Shabbos 2 – שבת ב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn in the Mishna that performing half of the melacha of carrying is an issur derabanan but not min hatorah.  Why is it not assur min hatorah, since we know that even a ‘chatzi shiur assur min hatorah’ (i.e. eating half a kezayis of prohibited food)?

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Eruvin 5 – עירובין ה

We learn from a Kal Vachomer to allow ‘Omed merubah’ (a mostly built wall) by a Mavoi.  Why do we need a Kal Vachomer to apply the universal mechitza-concept of ‘Omed merubah’ to Mavoi as well?

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Eruvin 5 – עירובין ה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn from a Kal Vachomer to allow ‘Omed merubah’ (a mostly built wall) by a Mavoi.  Why do we need a Kal Vachomer to apply the universal mechitza-concept of ‘Omed merubah’ to Mavoi as well?


Eruvin 47 – עירובין מז

The Gemara concludes that perhaps we cannot apply those’halacha formulas’ to a machlokes within a Braisa.  Why could this not have been an answer to the Kushya from the Braisa of the three month wait period as well?

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Eruvin 47 – עירובין מז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara concludes that perhaps we cannot apply those’halacha formulas’ to a machlokes within a Braisa.  Why could this not have been an answer to the Kushya from the Braisa of the three month wait period as well?

Eruvin 77 – עירובין עז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara speaks about a jointly owned area (wall, trench) which is granted exclusively to one Chatzer.  How can one Chatzer rightfully acquire sole possession of a jointly owned area?

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Eruvin 96 – עירובין צו

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

In what way does Shabbos provide ‘Os’ (and is therefore exempt from Tefillin) more than the fulfillment of any other Mitzvos such as Talmud Torah etc.?

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Megillah 7 – מגילה ז

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Megillah 8

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Chagigah 10 – חגיגה י

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Chagigah 11

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Yevamos 32 – יבמות לב

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Yevamos 33

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Nedarim 25 – נדרים כה

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Nedarim 26

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Gittin 79 – גיטין עט

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Gittin 80

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Brachos 31 – ברכות לא

Chana declared ‘I will seclude myself with a stranger in front of my husband’ which will result in my drinking the Sotah water.  How can she allow herself to transgress the prohibition of Yichud?

The Gemara says if one needs to fast on a Shabbos, he should nevertheless atone (for his neglecting Oneg Shabbos) by fasting again… If fasting on Shabbos requires atonement, how can one transgress a prohibition with the intention to atone for it later?