Eruvin 5 – עירובין ה

We learn from a Kal Vachomer to allow ‘Omed merubah’ (a mostly built wall) by a Mavoi.  Why do we need a Kal Vachomer to apply the universal mechitza-concept of ‘Omed merubah’ to Mavoi as well?

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Eruvin 5 – עירובין ה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn from a Kal Vachomer to allow ‘Omed merubah’ (a mostly built wall) by a Mavoi.  Why do we need a Kal Vachomer to apply the universal mechitza-concept of ‘Omed merubah’ to Mavoi as well?


Eruvin 24 – עירובין כד

The Gemara discusses a case where one formed and rebuilt a Pirtza in small increments of one Ama each.  Rashi explains that he didn’t breach nor rebuild (more than) ten Amos at once.  It would seem that all he would ever be required is simply to bring the Pirtza down to ten (which turns it into a valid Pesach); why does Rashi mention rebuilding the entire Pirtza?

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Eruvin 24 – עירובין כד

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara discusses a case where one formed and rebuilt a Pirtza in small increments of one Ama each.  Rashi explains that he didn’t breach nor rebuild (more than) ten Amos at once.  It would seem that all he would ever be required is simply to bring the Pirtza down to ten (which turns it into a valid Pesach); why does Rashi mention rebuilding the entire Pirtza?