Eruvin 47 – עירובין מז

The Gemara concludes that perhaps we cannot apply those’halacha formulas’ to a machlokes within a Braisa.  Why could this not have been an answer to the Kushya from the Braisa of the three month wait period as well?

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Eruvin 47 – עירובין מז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara concludes that perhaps we cannot apply those’halacha formulas’ to a machlokes within a Braisa.  Why could this not have been an answer to the Kushya from the Braisa of the three month wait period as well?

Moed Katan 23 – מועד קטן כג

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Insights on Today’s Daf 

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Moed Katan 24

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