We learn that a sea-wall is considered a mechitza for the Mavoi. How can a sea-wall which apparently doesn’t provide enclosure to the sea (which is a Carmelis) be considered a mechitza for the area beside it?
Tag Archives: trash heap
Eruvin 8 – עירובין ח
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
We learn that a sea-wall is considered a mechitza for the Mavoi. How can a sea-wall which apparently doesn’t provide enclosure to the sea (which is a Carmelis) be considered a mechitza for the area beside it?
Eruvin 59 – עירובין נט
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
The Gemara concludes that we follow the larger boundary, since Techumin are meant to be applied leniently. Why can’t we simply suffice with the general formula that any safek involving a Derabanan is lekula?
Eruvin 59 – עירובין נט
The Gemara concludes that we follow the larger boundary, since Techumin are meant to be applied leniently. Why can’t we simply suffice with the general formula that any safek involving a Derabanan is lekula?
Eruvin 99 – עירובין צט
It seems that according to Rebbi Meir although saliva in one’s mouth is considered a separate entity (with regards to din of Mashkin and Hechsher) there is no concern of carrying saliva on Shabbos. What is the difference?
Eruvin 99 – עירובין צט
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
It seems that according to Rebbi Meir although saliva in one’s mouth is considered a separate entity (with regards to din of Mashkin and Hechsher) there is no concern of carrying saliva on Shabbos. What is the difference?