Brachos 28 – ברכות כח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai expressed to his students his uncertainty regarding “on which path they will take me – Gehinom or Gan Eden”.  However at the very end the Gemara relates that he exclaimed “prepare a chair for Chizkiyahu who has come to escort me” which apparently indicates he was on the way to Gan Eden!

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Next Day’s Daf – Berachos 29

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara explains why we don’t add another bracha to Havineinu on motzei Shabbos (for havdala) since Havineinu was established specifically as a ‘seven bracha unit’ and not eight.  If Havineinu assumes a new identity as a ‘seven bracha tefilla’ then why doesn’t the Gemara require a source corresponding to this number as the Gemara sought regarding the various types of shemone esrei (i.e. 18 of weekdays, 7 of Shabbos etc.)?

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Shabbos 104 – שבת קד

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Mishna says if one writes on his flesh he is chayav. Why is this case considered kesiva, since it will disappear due to the effect of the body’s moisture/heat?


Shabbos 152 – שבת קנב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

In our Gemara we find Rebbi Chiya who says that (past a certain point – sealing coffin/disintegration of flesh) a Mes is unaware of what is said by people.  How is this compatible with Rebbi Chiya in Brachos (18a) who maintained that any Mes is well aware of events transpiring in this world?


Shabbos 152 – שבת קנב

In our Gemara we find Rebbi Chiya who says that (past a certain point – sealing coffin/disintegration of flesh) a Mes is unaware of what is said by people.  How is this compatible with Rebbi Chiya in Brachos (18a) who maintained that any Mes is well aware of events transpiring in this world?

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Eruvin 19 – עירובין יט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rebbi Yehuda seems to agree that the limit of a standard pietza is ten amos; which is presumably learned from Halacha lemoshe misinai.  If so, how can he allow an opening of thirteen by Pasei Bira’os?

Brachos 28 – ברכות כח

Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai expressed to his students his uncertainty regarding “on which path they will take me – Gehinom or Gan Eden”.  However at the very end the Gemara relates that he exclaimed “prepare a chair for Chizkiyahu who has come to escort me” which apparently indicates he was on the way to Gan Eden!