Shabbos 152 – שבת קנב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

In our Gemara we find Rebbi Chiya who says that (past a certain point – sealing coffin/disintegration of flesh) a Mes is unaware of what is said by people.  How is this compatible with Rebbi Chiya in Brachos (18a) who maintained that any Mes is well aware of events transpiring in this world?


Shabbos 152 – שבת קנב

In our Gemara we find Rebbi Chiya who says that (past a certain point – sealing coffin/disintegration of flesh) a Mes is unaware of what is said by people.  How is this compatible with Rebbi Chiya in Brachos (18a) who maintained that any Mes is well aware of events transpiring in this world?

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Eruvin 62 – עירובין סב

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 Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

How can a Yisroel rent with less than a Perutah, which although to the Goy has value, to the Yisroel who is the actual renter it has no status of money?

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Eruvin 101 – עירובין קא

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

A practical question:  What was the purpose in locking the door and then leaving the key nearby?

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Chagigah 17 – חגיגה יז

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Chagigah 18

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