The Gemara states that the Eruv (‘Seudah’) needs to be suitable (edible) from daytime (‘Mib’od yom); why would it not suffice that it is suitable at the very moment of the Eruv’s activation, which is Bein Hashmashos?
Tag Archives: double eruv
Eruvin 36 – עירובין לו
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
The Gemara states that the Eruv (‘Seudah’) needs to be suitable (edible) from daytime (‘Mib’od yom); why would it not suffice that it is suitable at the very moment of the Eruv’s activation, which is Bein Hashmashos?
Eruvin 38 – עירובין לח
Why is going out to the Eruv site not considered Hachana, whereas verbalizing his intentions is Hachana?
Eruvin 38 – עירובין לח
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Why is going out to the Eruv site not considered Hachana, whereas verbalizing his intentions is Hachana?
Eruvin 48 – עירובין מח
The Mishna (in Keilim which discusses shiurim based on personal size) does not list the din of four ammos, since it doesn’t apply universally. Why does it list the din of two se’udos (for Eruv) which is also not absolute (see 30b)?
Eruvin 48 – עירובין מח
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
The Mishna (in Keilim which discusses shiurim based on personal size) does not list the din of four ammos, since it doesn’t apply universally. Why does it list the din of two se’udos (for Eruv) which is also not absolute (see 30b)?
Eruvin 52 – עירובין נב
Since according to Rebbi Shimon the surveyors allow a fifteen amah leeway, why if one leaves the Techum (up to fifteen amah) can’t he be still considered inside?
Eruvin 52 – עירובין נב
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Since according to Rebbi Shimon the surveyors allow a fifteen amah leeway, why if one leaves the Techum (up to fifteen amah) can’t he be still considered inside?