Brachos 62 – ברכות סב

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Shabbos 56 – שבת נו

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Dovid Hamelech was not held accountable for Uriya’s actual death – since he was a mored b’malchus – but rather for his neglect to process his case in Sanhedrin.  But without a verdict from Sanhedrin it would seem that he is considered completely innocent, just as any other capital punishment transgressor who is considered halachically innocent until the Beis Din actually issues a ruling on his guilt (see Tosfos Makkos 5a D”H V’chen, and Gilyon Hashas).


Shabbos 113 – שבת קיג

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara poses a contradiction between the two Braisos of Rabanan and Rebbi Yehuda, whether a Gezeira is applied.  In what way is there a correlation between the topics discussed in the Mishna and the Braisa?


Shabbos 113 – שבת קיג

The Gemara poses a contradiction between the two Braisos of Rabanan and Rebbi Yehuda, whether a Gezeira is applied.  In what way is there a correlation between the topics discussed in the Mishna and the Braisa?