Brachos 36 – ברכות לו

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 Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn that one is required to makes a bracha on barley flour – although it can be harmful – since he derives pleasure from it.  How does this concur with the earlier Gemara that we do not make a bracha on olive oil since it is harmful?

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Shabbos 108 – שבת קח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

If ‘Zuhama’ (of fish) is something of a physical nature, why do we need that information to be provided specifically by Eliyahu?



Shabbos 135 – שבת קלה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We are not mechalel Shabbos to preserve the life of the eight-month infant; why is this different than ‘Chaye Sha’ah’ (temporary life) for we do Melacha even on Shabbos?

How can we do millah on the newborn who is safek 7/8 months; perhaps he is muktzah?


Shabbos 135 – שבת קלה

We are not mechalel Shabbos to preserve the life of the eight-month infant; why is this different than ‘Chaye Sha’ah’ (temporary life) for we do Melacha even on Shabbos?

How can we do millah on the newborn who is safek 7/8 months; perhaps he is muktzah?