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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Yitzchak Avinu deducted night-time from the sum total. Why does the entire night qualify for exemption?
The Mishna determines the Shiur of spices, according to the amount required to spice a chicken’s egg and refers to it as a ‘Beitza Kalla’ (easiest to cook). How does the term Beitza Kalla fit into this context?
Yitzchak Avinu deducted night-time from the sum total. Why does the entire night qualify for exemption?
The Mishna determines the Shiur of spices, according to the amount required to spice a chicken’s egg and refers to it as a ‘Beitza Kalla’ (easiest to cook). How does the term Beitza Kalla fit into this context?
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Why is the difficulty of childbearing mentioned prior to the phases of expectancy and childbirth themselves?
Why is the difficulty of childbearing mentioned prior to the phases of expectancy and childbirth themselves?
New LIVE interactive Shiur with Rabbi Kessler
In depth Daf Yomi – דף היומי בעיון
Daily 8:00 – 9:20 PM* (ET)
Zoom meeting ID – 6130000613 Password – 613
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929 205 6099 (N.Y.) 312 626 6799 (Chicago) 647 558 0588 (Canada)
*Fridays: 4:00 PM
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The Gemara says that Avraham established Shacharis, Yitzchak established Mincha etc. – but don’t we know that Avraham kept the entire Torah (Yoma 28b) which presumably would include all the tefillos as well?