Why was the muktza sandal allowed to be moved in a Karmelis?
Chizkiya expressed amazement at Rebbi Yochanan’s application of ‘Panim Chadashos’ to the case of the keli. Wasn’t he simply applying the concept that Chizkiya had himself taught?
Why was the muktza sandal allowed to be moved in a Karmelis?
Chizkiya expressed amazement at Rebbi Yochanan’s application of ‘Panim Chadashos’ to the case of the keli. Wasn’t he simply applying the concept that Chizkiya had himself taught?
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Why was the muktza sandal allowed to be moved in a Karmelis?
Chizkiya expressed amazement at Rebbi Yochanan’s application of ‘Panim Chadashos’ to the case of the keli. Wasn’t he simply applying the concept that Chizkiya had himself taught?
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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Chagigah 24
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