Shabbos 3 – שבת ג

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara concludes that the definition of ‘patur’ mentioned in the first part of the Mishna, actually means patur and also mutar.  Why does the Mishna choose to use the word ‘patur’ instead of simply saying that it is mutar?

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Shabbos 22 – שבת כב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rava says if he lit inside then brought it outside he is not yotzei, since the lighting needs to be done in the proper place.  We learned yesterday that in times of need they would light inside (as is done nowadays); if lighting inside is technically acceptable then why in this case is it not considered a proper lighting?

The Gemara quotes two pieces in the name of Rav Tanchum (Ner Chanukah above twenty, and the pit of Yosef); is there any connection between the two?

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Shabbos 91 – שבת צא

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Even if he would like to carry out all his content at once, why is that viewed as altering the significance of the objects involved – perhaps he is attempting to carry them all together simply for convenience purposes?


Yoma 40 – יומא מ

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