Shabbos 148 – שבת קמח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara asks: “If one cannot demand the return of a Yom Tov loan, then what does it mean that Shemitta is ‘Meshamet’ (since he cannot collect in any case – Rashi)”.  Rashi explained earlier that Rav Yosef is only discussing the inability to collect a Yom Tov loan through the power of Beis Din; it would seem that he is still certainly owed the money, and may rightfully collect upon his own authority.  Why can’t Shemitta be referring to the negation of that right?


Shabbos 148 – שבת קמח

The Gemara asks: “If one cannot demand the return of a Yom Tov loan, then what does it mean that Shemitta is ‘Meshamet’ (since he cannot collect in any case – Rashi)”.  Rashi explained earlier that Rav Yosef is only discussing the inability to collect a Yom Tov loan through the power of Beis Din; it would seem that he is still certainly owed the money, and may rightfully collect upon his own authority.  Why can’t Shemitta be referring to the negation of that right?

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Eruvin 73 – עירובין עג

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

According to Shmuel that the place of lodging is considered his residence, how does collection of food for the sake of Eruv create a joint residence, if it is not their place of lodging?

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