Pesachim 2 – פסחים ב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn that “Hashem summoned darkness” – does that imply that darkness is more than merely the absence of light?

Dovid Hamelech said to Hashem ‘You turned Olam Hazeh into light for me’ – which Rashi explains as referring to the time of Shlomo Hamelech.  But was Dovid not already then in Olam Habba?

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Pesachim 2 – פסחים ב

We learn that “Hashem summoned darkness” – does that imply that darkness is more than merely the absence of light?

Dovid Hamelech said to Hashem ‘You turned Olam Hazeh into light for me’ – which Rashi explains as referring to the time of Shlomo Hamelech.  But was Dovid not already then in Olam Habba?

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