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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
The Gemara tells us that even according to Rebbi Shimon, if the flame is burning out of a large container, the container is considered muktza even after the flame extinguishes since he doesn’t anticipate its availability on Shabbos. Why is the leftover oil (from the small lamp) permitted once the flame is out, despite the fact that he probably expects it to be completely consumed on Shabbos?
Sholom U’Brocha,
Thank you for your services.
Rashi explains R’ Meir opinion that a lamp which was lit at some point on Shabbos is “assur” the entire Shabbos b/c of “Muktza machmas issur”.
Is this the concept of “Migu d’iskatsaui l’bein hasmashos etc” or is this a new concept of “Muktza machmas issur”? If yes, what’s the difference between the two?
They indeed are two separate elements, which also happen to combine, since they are based on a single underlying principle.
1) According to the shita that ‘holds of Muktza’ (R’ Yehuda and R’ Meir) a kli needs to have a ‘Shabbos designation’ i.e. prepared prior to Shabbos for Shabbos use, in order to allow its use on Shabbos. This is learned from the passuk ‘vehechinu es asher yaviu’ (see Rashi Beitza 26b D”h V’ee) and excludes an object which is designated for melacha use. Hence a kli shemelachto l’issur is Muktza according to them and is called Muktza machmas issur.
2) This preparation needs to be activated at the first moment of Shabbos, otherwise it would not be considered prepared from before Shabbos for Shabbos use. Hence the concept of ‘Migu d’iskatzai bein hashmashos’ which cannot be undone any longer during this Shabbos.