Eruvin 25 – עירובין כה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Planting in the Ger’s field is not considered a Kinyan, since it has no immediate benefit, but plowing is a Kinyan.  Why would we differentiate between planting and plowing which are both considered Melachos on Shabbos; and although planting is merely preparation for future growth, so is plowing merely a preparation for future planting (see Rashi Shabbos 73b D”H Guma)

Eruvin 25 – עירובין כה

Planting in the Ger’s field is not considered a Kinyan, since it has no immediate benefit, but plowing is a Kinyan.  Why would we differentiate between planting and plowing which are both considered Melachos on Shabbos; and although planting is merely preparation for future growth, so is plowing merely a preparation for future planting (see Rashi Shabbos 73b D”H Guma)?

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Eruvin 90 – עירובין צ

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara says that transfer from rooftop to Achsadra is perhaps more lenient since neither one is suitable for Dira.  But don’t the Chachamim in the Mishnah treat a rooftop like a place of Dira?

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