Eruvin 16 – עירובין טז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Abaye explains that the Rabanan agree that a ‘Makom Chashuv’ is only achieved with four tefachim; if so how can we explain that Lavud is set at three?

Tosfos writes, that although we conclude in the Gemara that half Omed half Parutz is fine, that won’t necessarily apply to other area such as issur or tuma, where half and half may not be sufficient – how can we explain this difference?


Eruvin 16 – עירובין טז

Abaye explains that the Rabanan agree that a ‘Makom Chashuv’ is only achieved with four tefachim; if so how can we explain that Lavud is set at three?

Tosfos writes, that although we conclude in the Gemara that half Omed half Parutz is fine, that won’t necessarily apply to other area such as issur or tuma, where half and half may not be sufficient – how can we explain this difference?

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Eruvin 87 – עירובין פז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is a stream within mechitzos considered a Karmelis – why is this different than the din of ‘Lashon Yam’ within a Chatzer (12a) which is not considered Karmelis?

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Eruvin 100 – עירובין ק

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is the difficulty of childbearing mentioned prior to the phases of expectancy and childbirth themselves?

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