Eruvin 99 – עירובין צט

It seems that according to Rebbi Meir although saliva in one’s mouth is considered a separate entity (with regards to din of Mashkin and Hechsher) there is no concern of carrying saliva on Shabbos.  What is the difference?

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Eruvin 99 – עירובין צט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

It seems that according to Rebbi Meir although saliva in one’s mouth is considered a separate entity (with regards to din of Mashkin and Hechsher) there is no concern of carrying saliva on Shabbos.  What is the difference?

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Pesachim 19 – פסחים יט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is a ‘Stam keli’ not metame a person – perhaps it belonged to a Zav etc. and is an Av Hatuma’h?