Eruvin 44 – עירובין מד

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara says there were not enough people to (around Rav Chanilay) to reach the Techum.  Why couldn’t they simply walk him along until they all reached the Techum together; since even a mobile Mechitza is valid?


Eruvin 44 – עירובין מד

The Gemara says there were not enough people to (around Rav Chanilay) to reach the Techum.  Why couldn’t they simply walk him along until they all reached the Techum together; since even a mobile Mechitza is valid?

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Eruvin 89 – עירובין פט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rashi (D”H Vachachamim) mentions that according to Rebbi Shimon the only purpose of Eruv Chatzeros (between two yards) is to allow transfer of household goods.  Is this not true according to the Chachamim as well?

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