Brachos 38 – ברכות לח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara by us refers to the word ‘motzi’ as describing a past event.  But don’t we find elsewhere that the word ‘motzi’ is used in a present tense – a lashon ‘hoveh’ rather than a lashon ‘avar’ where the word ‘hotzi’ would be used?

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Brachos 43- ברכות מג

The Gemara concludes that we recite the bracha of ‘borei shemen areiv’ on the fragrant balsam oil.  How can we use the term ‘borei’ on an item that was produced by man (through extraction), just as we cannot apply the term ‘borei’ (borei pri hazayis)with reference to olive-oil since it is man-made (see Rashi 35b D”H zayis ikri)?

Shabbos 144 – שבת קמד

Rav Nachman holds that if one squeezes anything, it attains the status of Mashke (a beverage); why don’t we say ‘Batla Da’ato’ (his abnormal custom is nullified in view of the common practice)?

Why is milk produced from a goat (which is Muktza) not considered Muktza?

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Shabbos 144 – שבת קמד

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 Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rav Nachman holds that if one squeezes anything, it attains the status of Mashke (a beverage); why don’t we say ‘Batla Da’ato’ (his abnormal custom is nullified in view of the common practice)?

Why is milk produced from a goat (which is Muktza) not considered Muktza?


Eruvin 68 – עירובין סח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

We learn elsewhere that a city’s communal needs are the Chacham’s responsibility.  Why didn’t the Eruv (in Abaye and Rabba’s mavoi) fall into this category?

Pesachim 21 – פסחים כא

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is a person be obligated to gift his Neveila to a Ger at a loss rather than sell it to a Goy?

Bava Basra 87 – בבא בתרא פז

Next day’s Daf Yomi appears below Today’s Daf Yomi

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Bava Basra 88

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