Shabbos 49 – שבת מט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Although Elishah wanted to be Moser Nefesh for the Mitzvah of Tefillin, why wasn’t it sufficient to wear them in private rather than risk his life by displaying them in public?  If indeed it was deemed necessary to do so, why was he allowed to remove them when confronted by the Roman officer?



Shabbos 49 – שבת מט

Although Elishah wanted to be Moser Nefesh for the Mitzvah of Tefillin, why wasn’t it sufficient to wear them in private rather than risk his life by displaying them in public?  If indeed it was deemed necessary to do so, why was he allowed to remove them when confronted by the Roman officer?

Shabbos 87 – שבת פז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara discusses whether Techumin or Hotazaah (according to Tosfos) were included in ‘Shabbbos of Marah’ – why would these be considered different than all other dinim of Shabbos?


Shabbos 98 – שבת צח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The middle brace was positioned by miracle.  How is this compatible with the obligation for Bnei Yisrael to manually build the Mishkan?


Eruvin 2 – עירובין ב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is there no mention in the Mishna regarding the minimum height of a Kora (ten tefachim – see 3b)?

The Gemara says the Heichal had doors for ‘tznius’ – why wasn’t that achieved by the curtain (that was hanging over the entrance) and how was this achieved by the doors which were apparently open all day (to allow for shechita)?

Eruvin 2 – עירובין ב

Why is there no mention in the Mishna regarding the minimum height of a Kora (ten tefachim – see 3b)?

The Gemara says the Heichal had doors for ‘tznius’ – why wasn’t that achieved by the curtain (that was hanging over the entrance) and how was this achieved by the doors which were apparently open all day (to allow for shechita)?

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Eruvin 23 – עירובין כג

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

When only the lesser portion of the Karfef was planted, it can pose a concern if its size encompasses two Se’ah.  Why don’t we consider it to be batel to the majority which was left unplanted?