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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Why is placing the basket for the chicks to climb upon not considered ‘Mevatel keli’?
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Why is placing the basket for the chicks to climb upon not considered ‘Mevatel keli’?
Why is placing the basket for the chicks to climb upon not considered ‘Mevatel keli’?
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
Rebbi Yehuda’s allowance to place the Eruv on the grave is apparently in a case of Mitzvah, which is not considered a personal benefit. If so why do the Rabanan not allow it?
Rebbi Yehuda’s allowance to place the Eruv on the grave is apparently in a case of Mitzvah, which is not considered a personal benefit. If so why do the Rabanan not allow it?
In the case of the unspecified Eruv under the tree, it works according to Shmuel, since there is but one eruv actually being activated. But in the case of a double-eruv placement (shetei ruchos) why should any of them work?
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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:
In the case of the unspecified eruv under the tree, it works according to Shmuel, since there is but one eruv actually being activated. But in the case of a double-eruv placement (shetei ruchos) why should any of them be valid?