Pesachim 5 – פסחים ה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

One may not accept a Chametz-deposit from a Goy, even if the Goy doesn’t reside in the same Chatzer as you.  Since we are speaking where the Chametz is actually in your home (as the passuk indicates) why is the Goy’s place of residence of any relevance?

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Pesachim 5 – פסחים ה

One may not accept a Chametz-deposit from a Goy, even if the Goy doesn’t reside in the same Chatzer as you.  Since we are speaking where the Chametz is actually in your home (as the passuk indicates) why is the Goy’s place of residence of any relevance?

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Pesachim 20 – פסחים כ

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara presents a contradiction within the opinion of Rebbi Yehoshua; how do we know that Rebbi Yossi (in the Braisa) is actually presenting the opinion of Rebbi Yehoshua?

Pesachim 21 – פסחים כא

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is a person be obligated to gift his Neveila to a Ger at a loss rather than sell it to a Goy?

Pesachim 27 – פסחים כז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

According to Rebbi, the bread is assur since it was produced by wood of issur hana’ah.  Why don’t we also consider the oven as a factor, thus achieving the status of ‘Ze vazeh gorem’?

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