Shabbos 41 – שבת מא

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara differentiates between covering oneself when facing the public, on account of modesty, whereas on his way down to the river that is not allowed.  Since the concept of tznius doesn’t necessarily depend on presence of other people, but rather on Hashem’s presence (See Shulchan Aruch O”Ch 2,2); if there indeed seems to be a tznius concern here, why wouldn’t this apply in any circumstance?

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Shabbos 86 – שבת פו

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

According to Rebbi Akiva, five complete onas are required, to be completed with the sixth when missing part of the fifth.  In this case, the sixth will inevitably be of a different nature than the fifth (one day the other night) with a different length.  How can one compensate for the other?

Meraimar responded that there was actually no Tvul Yom present at receiving the Torah.  Can this be proven from a source, or was it known from tradition?


Shabbos 86 – שבת פו

According to Rebbi Akiva, five complete onas are required, to be completed with the sixth when missing part of the fifth.  In this case, the sixth will inevitably be of a different nature than the fifth (one day the other night) with a different length.  How can one compensate for the other?

Meraimar responded that there was actually no Tvul Yom present at receiving the Torah.  Can this be proven from a source, or was it known from tradition?

Shabbos 108 – שבת קח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

If ‘Zuhama’ (of fish) is something of a physical nature, why do we need that information to be provided specifically by Eliyahu?



Shabbos 130 – שבת קל

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara says we don’t follow the view of Rebbi Eliezer (who is referred to as ‘Shamuti’).  How were the residents of his locale allowed to follow his opinion?


Pesachim 7 – פסחים ז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Tosfos asks, how can one make a bracha on a Lulav after the fact.  Why would it be different than Tevillah where we have no problem with a bracha after the Tevillah?

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Pesachim 7 – פסחים ז

Tosfos asks, how can one make a bracha on a Lulav after the fact.  Why would it be different than Tevillah where we have no problem with a bracha after the Tevillah?

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Yevamos 64 – יבמות סד

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Yevamos 65

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