Brachos 57 – ברכות נז

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara teaches that one recites the bracha upon sighting the lions’ den or furnace where a nes happened to tzaddikim; how does this concur with what we learned earlier (54a) that we are obligated to make a bracha only on a nes that occurred to the masses (nes rabim)?

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Shabbos 36 – שבת לו

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara concludes that the Mishna begins with a discussion of Chazara, then proceeds to Shehiya, then concludes with a machlokes pertaining to Chazara – that Beis Shamai never allow Chazara altogether.  Why does the Mishna interject with Shehiya rather than first concluding with the din of Chazara and then proceeding over to Shehiya?

The Mishna states that fuel of straw doesn’t present a concern since no coals are formed.  If so how do we understand Bais Shamai  who prohibit (shehiya of tavshil or chazara) even by ‘garuf’ (coals were shoveled) when there are no colas present?

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Shabbos 145 – שבת קמה

The Gemara says that separating brine from a fish considered ‘separating food from food’; since the liquid is foreign matter that entered the fish from the outside, why isn’t it equated to the pickled vegetable juice which is considered separating liquid from food?

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Shabbos 145 – שבת קמה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara says that separating brine from a fish considered ‘separating food from food’; since the liquid is foreign matter that entered the fish from the outside, why isn’t it equated to the pickled vegetable juice which is considered separating liquid from food?


Eruvin 22 – עירובין כב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

The Gemara concludes that a privately owned courtyard which is used as a public walk-through is considered a Reshus Harabim (see Tosfos D”H Yehoshua).  How can this be derived from the Midbar which featured only a publicly owned Reshus Harabim?


Kesubos 111 – כתובות קיא

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Kesubos 112

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