Eruvin 78 – עירובין עח

Just as you can hang something on one nail (on the Amud) why can’t the same be done with many?

Tosfos (D”h Asheira) writes that there is a machlokes whether you can use issur hana’a for eruv.  How can one explain such a machlokes?

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Eruvin 78 – עירובין עח

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Just as you can hang something on one nail (on the Amud) why can’t the same be done with many?

Tosfos (D”h Asheira) writes that there is a machlokes whether you can use issur hana’a for eruv.  How can one explain such a machlokes?

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Eruvin 79 – עירובין עט

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Why is Muktza considered to be automatically battel if it’s only a temporary inaccessibility for today?

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Succah 31 – סוכה לא

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Insights on Today’s Daf

1) Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and Chachamim; what are their reasons?

2) Two meanings of Haddar.

3) Uniqueness of Lulav over other mitzvos.

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Next day’s Daf Yomi – Succah 32

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