Yes, all LiveDaf services are absolutely free of charge.
No, any computer or mobile device is suitable. Past shiurim can be viewed on all devices as well.
The Daf Yomi shiur is posted nightly at 12AM EST and is then available all day under the “Today’s Daf Yomi Shiur” option. As well, all past shiurim are archived and can be accessed via the “View any Daf Yomi Shiur” option.
Email address and username are only required for participation in the Daf Yomi Blog. Email addresses will only be used to allow the shiur host to respond to participants’ questions.
LiveDaf welcomes all questions related to Daf Yomi at any time; just submit your question under the “Daf Yomi e-Line” option. Your questions will be responded to via email by our shiur host in a timely manner. Please note that responses will be in the same language as the question submitted (English/Hebrew).
Various visual materials are presented during the course of the shiur. These include charts displaying the various opinions of the Gemara in a concise form at the end of every section of Gemara, as well as color diagram depictions of complex scenarios in the Daf. In addition, every Shiur concludes with a brief review of the entire Daf when the charts are once again displayed for additional clarity. Free download options are offered for audio, video and our daily diagrams
For maximum clarity perhaps turning off other applications running on the computer may prove beneficial. A wired internet connection is advised, as well as high-speed. These may enhance the download speed and clarity of the broadcast, but are not required.
Kindly submit any ideas or suggestions via the “Contact” tab.