Eruvin 25 – עירובין כה

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Planting in the Ger’s field is not considered a Kinyan, since it has no immediate benefit, but plowing is a Kinyan.  Why would we differentiate between planting and plowing which are both considered Melachos on Shabbos; and although planting is merely preparation for future growth, so is plowing merely a preparation for future planting (see Rashi Shabbos 73b D”H Guma)

3 thoughts on “Eruvin 25 – עירובין כה

  1. By The Nechasim of the Ger, the Proof from “Yirmiah Biraah,” is not a shlug up. That case is where 2 people made some sort of Kinyan, one threw a seed, then one plowed, we give it to the one who plowed, because he was first to do something substantial. But our case someone made a wall inside, then the outer wall fell down, so if someone plowed in between, yes he would be Kone, But if no one else did anything, then it comes out now that he should be Kone.
    The the case of “Yirmiah Biraah,” if after the first person planted, no one else came untill this seed bore fruit, it’s Mashma from the that he should be Kone! the only reason he’s not is because someone else came first and was kone before his action took effect. Here too it should be the same thing by the wall?!

    • Great point. The Rashash proves form Rashi that in fact he will not be kone regardless of whether someone else added anything, since the initial act does not count as a kinyan. It needs to have an immediate affect in order to be kone.

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