Eruvin 32 – עירובין לב

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Today’s Daf Yomi Question:

Rashi explains that the Chaver feels responsible for the Am Ha’aretz due to ‘Lifnei Iver’ (putting a stumbling block before a blind man); why shouldn’t he simply assume that fresh fruit off a tree is certainly Tevel (as an Am Ha’retz, he surely wouldn’t ponder that the Chaver feels especially responsible toward an unrelaible Am Haa’aretz)?

When placing the Eruv on a tree (below ten tefachim) why can’t he rely on instructing a goy to remove it for him – something which is permitted for the sake of Mitzvah – rather than removing it himself Bein Hashmashos (which is only permitted according to Rebbi)?


3 thoughts on “Eruvin 32 – עירובין לב

  1. Cute question. However, the whole reason for Dimay is because many Amei Ha’aretz don’t give Maaser in the first place.

    And to the second question, eating the Eiruv is not a Mitzva.

    • It would be for the sake of allowing a step in the way of helping toward a Mitzva. I think it is more removed than a regular Hech’sher Mitzva. It’s not like carrying a baby to his Bris or preparing the knife. This is setting up food so that we can build another Hetter on it. Is that also Muttar?

      Actually, if you put a goy into the formula then keeping the Eiruv food home is also not a boundary, since the goy can get him his food wherever it will have to go. So, first of all, we don’t really find that utilizing another person can be part of the equation. When we said that Teruma or wine is good for others, it doesn’t mean that they will show up. It means that in his mind he set up food.

      And when we say that a Kohen can get the food through wagons and sticks, that also doesn’t mean that he will have to have it there. It is a mindset that the Kohen has that this food is not out of his range, since getting it is a possibility. We aren’t really talking about someone who is depending on that food for his meals (as was said earlier, that we aren’t even requiring Shabbos meals).

      Once an Issur stands between him and his food, in his mind it is not with him on that spot. To this end we utilize fake Reshuyos to consider it near him, since it is not actually his meal, just a mindset that he set up food for that spot.

      (I would have written this first, but I figured I had a simpler, smoother Terutz. Now that you point out the possibility of a Hetter to use a goy for Hech’sher Mitzva I put this up. I think the points here are valid and true without the Kasha.)

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